(Dis) functions of the playwright


  • Hugo Salcedo Larios Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México


autor dramático, espectacularidad, teatro latinoamericano, historia del teatro, espectador


The purpose of this article is to state the role of the dramatic author in some episodes of theatrical history in the West, which at the mercy of the new provisions derived from the various aesthetic paths of art and theater, will move from its privileged stay as a central figure within the spectacular nature. The playwright abandons his tutelary space to join other tasks defined from his role as "dramaturgist" in the German model, or participating in the collective creation of specific relevance in Latin American theater. The text highlights some presences of the dramatic author in the theatrical phenomenon to consider that in the process of construction of the spectacular sense, the public will finally be the definitive collaborator, settling himself as the authentic co-author of the stagings.

Author Biography

Hugo Salcedo Larios, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México

Académico de Tiempo Completo en el Departamento de Letras de la Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México.


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How to Cite

Larios, H. S. (2019). (Dis) functions of the playwright. AURA. Revista De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, (9), 108–123. Retrieved from https://www.ojs.arte.unicen.edu.ar/index.php/aura/article/view/623


