Constellation Kartun/Perrone: Neoliberal theater, cinema and culture


  • Ariel Ilzarbe TECC - Facultad de Arte


constellation, neoliberal culture, argentine cinema, argentine drama, modernity


The following article aims to analyze the artistic constellation formed by the play Desde la lona, by Mauricio Kartún, and the film Graciadió, by Raúl Perrone, considering the relationship with the time in which they premiered. This perspective aims at highlighting the key role that art has as an epistemological tool and as builder of realities. We will try to elucidate the different ways that the tensions and contradictions adopted within the Argentine neoliberal culture, delving into quotidian aspects. We will also aim at raising awareness of two temporal hostilities that, not considered successive any longer, coexist in the same present.

Author Biography

Ariel Ilzarbe, TECC - Facultad de Arte

Profesor de Historia, egresado en 2009 de la Facultad de Cs. Humanas (UNCPBA). 

Docente en educación media. 

Tesista de la Maestría en Arte y Sociedad en Latinoamérica (Facultad de Arte - UNCPBA). 

Integrante del Proyecto de Investigación: "Cruces entre cine y literatura latinoamericana. Aproximaciones teóricas y filosóficas" (TECC - Facultad de Arte)



How to Cite

Ilzarbe, A. (2020). Constellation Kartun/Perrone: Neoliberal theater, cinema and culture. AURA. Revista De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, (11), 65–75. Retrieved from