The case of A summer with Monika. A deconstruction of eroticism and sexuality


  • Lautaro Izarra Facultad de Arte, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)


A summer with Monika, Ingmar Bergman, eroticism, film criticism, sexuality.


In 1953 Ingmar Bergman premiered A summer with Monika and the movie became an iconic film internationally to think about eroticism, nudity and sexuality in the cinema. This paper investigate these issues that emerge from the analysis of the film.

Author Biography

Lautaro Izarra, Facultad de Arte, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Estudiante avanzado de la carrera de Realización Integral en Artes Audiovisuales de la Facultad de Arte de la UNICEN.



How to Cite

Izarra, L. (2019). The case of A summer with Monika. A deconstruction of eroticism and sexuality. AURA. Revista De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, (10), 122–131. Retrieved from