Gum, chocolates and peanuts... or the rumors of something that did not exist


  • Vania Macias Osorno UNAM


exhibition, conceptual art, art criticism in Mexico, Felipe Ehrenberg, cultural policies


On February 1973, the gallery José María Velasco, located in Peralvillo, a popular neighborhood in Mexico City, showed the exhibition “Bubblegum, chocolates and peanuts… Felipe Ehrenberg, works and atitudes.” The Mexican artist was temporarily coming back to his country afer a stay of almost four years in the UK. The show was received with some strangeness and lack of understanding by the critics due to its proposal of new models of artistic production that were announced as Conceptual Art, in a moment were the oficial and private art circuit was still ruled by traditional media. In spite of its failed reception, the exhibition achieved from an institutional space, to generate a break through in the oficial art speeches in order to insert new experimental manifestations. Peralvillo´s gallery was redefined as a space of possibilities that outlined the tension between the institution and its boundaries, in the context of a political culture fighting to seek for a conciliation afer the breakdown, result of the 1968 student repression, but being at the same time part of a government that carried on exercising violent acts and political persecution. This article analyses the critical discourses elaborated by Carla Stellweg, Raquel Tibol and Juan Acha, together with texts by Felipe Ehrenberg, which became essential for the account of an exhibition that up to now, has been considered as the beginning of conceptual art in Mexico.

Author Biography

Vania Macias Osorno, UNAM

Estudiante de doctorado en Historia del arte por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM


- (1973, 10 de febrero) “Felipe Ehrenberg y Bellas Artes harán una demostración de arte conceptual en el DF”. Excélsior. México.

- Acha, J. (1973, febrero) “Felipe Ehrenberg y la subversión conceptualista”. Diorama, suplemento cultural de Excélsior. México.

- Álvarez del Villar, P. (1969, 22 de junio) “Cuando el cabaré derrota a la pintura. Ehrenberg denuncia la falta de mercado”. Entrevista a Felipe Ehrenberg. Diorama de la cultura, Excélsior. México.

- Eder, R. (2014) “Introducción”. Desafío a la estabilidad. Procesos artísticos en México: 1952-1967. México: Turner-UNAM.

- Ehrenberg, F. (1972, 27 de octubre). Carta dirigida a Elena Olachea. Devon, Inglaterra.

- ------------------- (1973, 12 de enero) Carta dirigida a Elena Olachea, Devon, Inglaterra.

- Monsiváis, C. (1976, Julio-Septiembre) “Notas sobre la cultura mexicana en la década de los setentas”. El Trimestre Político. Núm. 5. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. (Consultado en línea, diciembre de 2017:

- Obrist, H. (2015) “Felipe Ehrenberg. Entrevista a Felipe Ehrenberg. Londres, 2011”. Conversaciones en México. México: Fundación Alumnos 47.

- Olachea, E. (1972, 22 de noviembre) “Carta dirigida a Felipe Ehrenberg”. México.

- Poggioli, R. (2011) Teoría del are de vaguardia. (1ª. Ed. 1962). México: IIF-UNAM.

- Sánchez Celaya, M. (2014) José Luis Cuevas y Francis Alÿs: Análisis y contexto de dos exposiciones. 1979 y 2016. Tesis de licenciatura en Historia. México: UNAM.

- Stellweg, C. (2010) “Documentando lo indocumentado”. Artes Visuales. Una selección facsimilar. En homenaje a Fernando Gamboa. México: MAM-INBA.

- Tibol, R. (1973, ca. 10 de febrero) “Por primera vez en México, y en Peralvillo, una muestra de Arte Comportamiento: Ehrenberg”. Excélsior, México.

- --------------- (1973, 24 de febrero) “Alegre fue la inauguración de ‘Arte Conceptual’ de Ehrenberg”. Excélsior, México.



How to Cite

Osorno, V. M. (2018). Gum, chocolates and peanuts. or the rumors of something that did not exist. AURA. Revista De Historia Y Teoría Del Arte, (7), 24–39. Retrieved from